“The name came from me being very frank when giving marketing advice, no jargon and cutting through the waffle and excessive costs sometimes associated with marketing. I am afraid I will tell you what isn’t working as soon as I see it – no need to waste your money.
I love business and built and sold an Under 5’s successful PlayBarn and Restaurant called The Nurture Barn with 12,000 Facebook followers. Mo and I own a Lower Alcohol Gin Alternative called Mooze 12%. Exposure is key to get your name out there and both businesses have been featured in many newspapers, magazines, TV, online and on the radio. I know all about the importance of being careful with my marketing spend – every penny counts and I want the right eyes on my product through Digital Marketing and PR.”
Mo offers WEBSITE, SEO and PPC POWER HOURS and Mel offers ADVERTISING, SOCIAL MEDIA & PR POWER HOURS. They have worked together as a team for over 20 years and are passionate that each client, regardless of size, receives honest, realistic, clear action points they can action themselves. We are here to make your life easier, think of us as an extension to your team.
Too often we meet business owners who are so skilled and passionate about what they do, but their marketing lets them down. Unfortunately, this can reflect on your business. To generate conversions, you need to be able to prove and back up that you are the right choice. Even personal recommendations, let alone new people who don’t know they need you yet, will check out your Digital ‘shop window’ and if they cannot find you, they may not start to engage.
We will ask for your answers before our POWER HOUR conversation and we will be asking you some hard questions on the Zoom Call. If you have no idea about Marketing and Business, don’t beat yourself up and let’s start together. Believe me, when I started in Marketing, Google and Facebook didn’t even exist, so I have had to learn it too. So we will adapt out chat to how much you know already.
Click Here to Book A Marketing Power Hour with Mel or Mo.
Let us look at how you market your business and give you heaps of practical advice and information about how you can make more people know about your product and services. Think about your perfect client to target, why they should choose you and let’s start to make it happen.